'Blossom & Pink' This is another one of our classic designs that is all about Pink. We think just about everyone has someone in their life that just has a thing for pink. It doesn't matter the time of year, they have a tendency to wear something pink every day. They have a tendency to gravitate toward anything that's pink, especially flowers. They love pink Lilies, Pink Roses, fluffy pink Carnations, Pink pink pink. If you have one of those people in your life 'Blossom & Pink'
'Blossom & Pink' is a classic garden-style flower bouquet that just happens to be all in pink. Lilies, Roses, Carnations, Dianthus, and seasonal specialty blooms all dance together in this fantastic bouquet. This is a perfect choice if you are needing Birthday flowers, maybe a special Anniversary, or even just because. This bouquet we create in a classic clear glass vase, and these blooms are just overflowing along with some fabulous extra fancy foliages. For a special gift of flowers, a special gift of pink flowers, this one is perfect.
As you local neighborhood florist here in Winston-Salem, NC., we love being able to provide special flower deliveries for any occasion you would love to have some flowers for. Yes our shop is located here in Winston-Salem, but we also serve our neighbors in Advance, Clemmons, and Kernersville. So if you are needing a special flower delivery to any of those neighborhoods, we've got you covered. For your convenience and safety of our customers, you can conveniently and securely place your order online. For your recipient we'll provide our superior delivery service with safe no contact home delivery.
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